Sunday, October 17, 2004

Yankee Bastards

In an unrelated travel post . . . I just watched the Sox get whacked, and was the only screaming/moaning person in a bar full of British people who couldn't care less. Oh and I missed the first 2 games of the series, so I get to be broken hearted all at once. I'm sorry I can't be there to commiserate with you P, there is, as always, next year. I've got my hat on permanent inside out till I hear otherwise.

Jesus is my lead off man. And about those rings, well they know where they belong now don't they.

Tomorrow I take the ferry across to the south island, the place I've been waiting to go. Excited. Some random stuff:

The toilets here have 2 buttons, one for half a flush, one for a whole flush. This was initially baffling as they're not marked as such.

The paper towel dispensers have a brand name on them and then the slogan, "For a clean fresh towel every time" as if this was some kind of breakthrough in hygenic technology.

Meat Pies. Every Cafe is full of meat pies and sausage rolls, which are equally disgusting.

Fellas, if you're really into fat pasty British girls, then New Zealand is the place for you. I mean if that's your thing buy a ticket right now!

More on that, and the overwhelming hipocracy in anti-american sentiment abroad later.

GO SOX!!!!!


At October 17, 2004 at 10:55 AM, Blogger Mason Inman said...

The toilet in my apartment in France has the two-button setup as well. The "hostel" here at my reseach lab, where I stayed when I first arrived in Geneva, has enormous flush buttons for the toilets. They're wall-mounted, and about as big as my head. Do you think that psychoanalysts could up with some explanation for their size?

At October 20, 2004 at 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,
Good to hear the sox have a fan on the other side of the world. Last night they made history and tied the series 3-3...tonight we go to game 7 in the Bronx. Keep that rally cap on & GO SOX! I miss you and glad you are well. Love you! -Lee


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