Pictures of Knife Making
So I finally got around to putting some pictures up of a day in NZ. There's extremely limited caption space on .mac as it turns out, but I think you'll get the picture. More pictures of rocks and trees and things are coming up soon.
This just in from the Morison brothers:
Dan has informed me the women in their late 20's hitting on younger men at the bar are called Pumas. Not quite Cougars but on their way.
Tom has commented that fur coats coming back into style is an example of the Mohawk Quotient. I'm not sure if it fits the criteria exactly, but he has a point. When did this become ok again? Is it some kind of fashion trickle down from our newly founded big red nation? Personally I have no problem with people wearing fur, under the following 2 conditions:
1. Those shawls with the skinned faces of the fox/mink etc. still attached. Those are hardcore. If women want to wear the skinned faces of animals I say right on sister, get nasty as you wanna be!
2. The people wearing the fur have killed and eaten the animal from which it came.
I realize the hypocracy involved in having these views and wearing leather, but I'm willing to accept that.
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More, please!
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