Friday, October 29, 2004

The Fat Question

Repeatedly on this trip I've been asked by fat british people why americans are so fat. This is deeply irritating. To be asked by an in shape person to speak for all of america on obesity is irritating enough, but unbearable with the added hypocracy. So what I usually say is, "I don't know, how come you're so fat?" Or, "I know it's horrible isn't it, we're almost as fat as the British." Or, "Oh the Brits are equally fat, we're just more concerned about it and have a more exhaustive press." No I don't say any of those things, what I do say is, "I think what it is possibly is that they eat too much and don't exercise enough." Which, I realize, is only slightly less snotty than the three above.

The vast majority of the people commenting on the States to me have never been there, which is interesting. Occasionally I'll get someone on their way who says something to me like, "Well we're planning on flying into LA and then driving to: Vegas, the Grand Canyon, throughout Utah, up to Yellowstone, back down to Yosemite, then the coast road down to LA. We've got about 12 days which we figure will be ample time." Apparently they think since you can fit the States on the same piece of paper as your average European nation it must be approximately the same size. At first I tried in earnest to explain just how impossible their planned itinerary was, then I jsut gave up and wished them luck. Let's hope they figure it out in AZ and not 11 days into WY with no airport for 500 miles or so.

For those of you who long to see a little Cockney slang in action it's featured in the Soderberg movie, "The Limey" starring the guy who played General Zod in Superman II whose name escapes me. Also for more interesting tidbits on the language check out my buddy Mason's blog which you can convienently link to just off to the right here by clicking on "Mason" under "We the people." He also has some great stuff about the american experience abroad.


At October 29, 2004 at 10:06 PM, Blogger HiveMind said...

Great post! I feel skinny!

Just watched "Super Size Me" this weekend. Favorite was the kid who guessed the Jesus image was George W. Bush.

At November 1, 2004 at 11:36 AM, Blogger lissiebethie said...

Happy Birthday Jon.
I hope you back is holding up during all your traveling.

At November 1, 2004 at 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi lovely,

I'm just writing to wish you a very happy birthday!
I miss you terribly, as I always do when you are suddenly unavailable to call at all hours of the night...

Love, Danielle

At November 2, 2004 at 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie....

Wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope you enjoy the birthday spankings.
Oh, and for the 'fat question' I have been getting it for the past 8 months so I have taken the easy route out and when people ask where I am from simply say 'South Africa.' Then again you know that I could not hold back on the other things you would like to say. Call me a pacifist, but it works for me.
Love you, Courtney

At November 2, 2004 at 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie....

Wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope you enjoy the birthday spankings.
Oh, and for the 'fat question' I have been getting it for the past 8 months so I have taken the easy route out and when people ask where I am from simply say 'South Africa.' Then again you know that I could not hold back on the other things you would like to say. Call me a pacifist, but it works for me.
Love you, Courtney

At November 2, 2004 at 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie....

Wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Hope you enjoy the birthday spankings.
Oh, and for the 'fat question' I have been getting it for the past 8 months so I have taken the easy route out and when people ask where I am from simply say 'South Africa.' Then again you know that I could not hold back on the other things you would like to say. Call me a pacifist, but it works for me.
Love you, Courtney


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