I spent today walking around town, killing time until 3 when I had to be at Bruno's for a photo shoot. Baffert's Gin, the stuff no one has ever called, ever, is putting out some kind of an ad in 7x7. 7x7 is the local version of Boston Magazine. It's one of those glossy 85% advertising magazines dedicated to the goings on about town. So Baffert's is featuring 4 bartenders and 4 cocktails in a one-page ad and I'm one of them for no reason that I can discern. Anyhoo I started in the Mission at the chiropractor and then walked on up to the Rosemunde sausage grill in the Lower Haight for lunch and then took the train to Amoeba to try to find this song by Gillian Welch. I didn't know the name of the song; I just had a vague memory of the first line. They rule at Amoeba. I went to the info desk and asked the girl, "I'm looking for this song by Gillian Welch that starts with the line . . .” She paged someone who then called her phone. She put me on the phone with him, I asked the guy the same thing I'd asked her. He sang the song to me then said "Meet me in Country." I walked down the stairs and he was waiting for me with a copy of the CD, used and everything. I bought it and walked back down to Bruno's from Amoeba satisfied that I'd gotten something done. Point being it was a nice day for walking and I did a bunch of it along the way experiencing a fair sampling of San Francisco's bumper stickers. Which brings me to the title of this here post.
We're overwhelmingly liberal out here in San Francisco, so there's lots of Kerry/Edwards stickers. Anti-Bush stickers are by far the most popular, my favorite being "Send Bush back to Mordor." There's also a spattering of Nader stickers. Now I used to agree with everything Nader said except, "Vote for me for President." Not only because there's no way in hell that man's ever going see the business end of the Oval Office. I didn't think he'd make a good president. We've had good x-lawyer presidents, John Adams, Abe Lincoln, etc. I'm thinking Edwards may become one of those successfull x-lawyer VP/Presidents in 8. But Nader's an ideologue, and even though I agree with most of his ideas I don't want an ideologue in office. Bush is also an ideologue, know what I mean? That was then, 2000, when I agreed with Nader, before 4 years of W. Now when I see a Nader sticker I want to jump up and down on the hood of the offending vehicle. I don't get as mad at the W stickers I see, it's the Nader supporters that really get me. Even disregarding his strange paranoia about Asian viruses, and his truly bizarre plan to repoliticize the masses by essentially telling them they should be more political, the man's not good for the country anymore. Nader's Raiders were great and now we have cool things like vehicle saftey regulations, thank you. Now get off the ballot and back in the courtroom where you can do some good. I'm not going to vandalize any VW's with offensive stickers. I just wish the people who own those cars would get in them, pick up their candidate, and drive off to Never Never Land where they belong.
The T Shirt
I've lost my favorite t-shirt. This is strange for the following reasons: I only get dressed and undressed in 2 places, my house and the gym, my apt is small, I've looked everywhere. You may be thinking, "Well then it's obviously at the gym." You'd be right, except I didn't leave it at the gym as one's things are kept in a well-lit white locker and I compulsively check mine over before I leave, and the t shirt in question is red, so it would stand out. While searching for the t-shirt this morning I did find the other article of clothing I thought I'd recently lost. That's always how it works isn't it? I mean you never find what you're looking for, but something you'd long given up on finding shows up. While writing this I've been trying to think of things I could look for, so I can find my t-shirt. Ok, now that I'm through obsessing about the t-shirt I can get on with the day. I'll be sure to post again when the t-shirt shows up, in 6 months.
So, I'm experimenting with .mac and the aforementioned (even though in this format it's the "below mentioned") camera. The orange title of this post ("Bruno's Lounge") or the "Link" underneath, will both take you to a page with some photos of Bruno's lounge on a Tuesday before we get going. For those of you who have never seen where I work here's a small piece of it. The photo's aren't great as of right now, like I said this is kind of a test run. For instance the first photo never loads, but you can see it if you go to "Start Slideshow." I don't know why. If I get all the bugs worked out of this process hopefully it will allow me to post links to web pages of pictures of my travels, so you can all follow along when you'd like to see where I am and all that. The Lounge shot's aren't actually different times of day, just different shutter speeds. That's why the candles look phosphorescent (spelling?) and the fish tank looks radioactive in the brighter shots.
Dinar Back
Dinar Back
Originally uploaded by Jon Santer.
Dinar Face
Dinar Face
Originally uploaded by Jon Santer.
I got this as a tip on Monday night from one of our young servicemen home on leave. Despite it being probably the most worthless currency on the planet I thought it was pretty cool.
My mother and grandfather got together and bought me a digital camera for my birthday/the NZ trip. It's fantastic, and allows me to take cool pictures like this in a bar with very little light. And but so I've been screwing with it for a couple days now and I think I've figured some of it out. This thing's loaded with features. I've also been reading the manual, which came in PDF, and reads like, well here's a small sample for you'r reading enjoyment:
"When the shutter button is halfway pressed, the difference (ranging from -3.0 to +3.0 EV) between the exposure determined by the currently selected aperture and shutter speed compared to the exposure level considered optimal by the camera is displayed."
Right. The good news is that after I get through with this manual, law school should be a snap.
Danielle, blue
Danielle, blue
This is what Danielle would look like if you met her at Sake Lab, or some other club that has that kind of Morgue light, and you had said something to her like, "Do you like soup? Me, well I love soup."
Just imagine how pretty she'd be if she had say, nice skin tone and a PHD.
Dan's Baby Girl
Charlotte Gratianne Marie de Montmort Morison .
Ladies and Gentleman, Ms. Charlotte Gratianne Marie de Montmort Morison, and her funny hat. Oh and Albina's arm, part of a calf.
Today's my sister Lee's 25'th birthday. She's going out on a boat with some friends and then to dinner and drinks. It's also the 24'th birthday of my friend Kaiya who's in Hawai wearing, no doubt, a bright pink dress and looking smashing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE AND KAIYA!
It's also the day Japan surrendered to the US officially ending WWII, Pakistan became independant from England, and FDR signed social security into law, among other cool things. You can find out loads of interesting things about this day by clicking on the link below. (I figured it out after reading the instructions correctly, uh huh.)
Unfortunately there's no link for Kaiya in the aforementioned dress. Keep checking back.
The Graphic
The cool graphic on the top of this page is actually part of a template that I picked out when setting this thing up. In other words I didn't really have anything to do with it. It was this or some bright orange thing, or bright green thing, or a pokemon type thing, you get the picture. Anyway I think the photo might, by pure chance, be a shot of Boston Common. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I'm pretty sure that the subway map illustration is not of the T, I think it may be the Metro, or some other public transportation map from a place I've yet to go. I can't read the stops on my little screen. Just thought I'd put it out there.
Flight Itinerary
For the record:
Air Tahiti, Airbus A340-300
October 1, Depart LAX 1:00pm/ Arrive Papeete Tahiti 6:20pm
Air Tahiti, Airbus A340-300
October 5, Depart Papeete 8:05pm/ October 7, Arrive Aukland NZ 1:10am (that sucks, I hadn't looked at that. I wonder what I'll do that night. I'll get a locker somewhere and wander around.)
Air Tahiti, Airbus A340-300
November 17, Depart Aukland 2:30pm/ stop in Papeete/ Arrive LAX 8:10am same day, 6 hours before I left. Datelines are cool.
Southwest 1835
November 17, Depart LAX 11:00am/ Arrive Oakland 12:15pm
This is my happy friend Moi. She's pretty.
Rob sings at Fenway
The multi talented Rob Delaney will be singing our national anthem at Fenway Park, on August 28'th. The Sox are playing the Tigers, but more importantly ROB'S SINGING THE ANTHEM AT FENWAY!!!! Amazing really.
Flickr is down
So the photo management place is down. I think I may have done it. I'm not sure.