Friday, September 10, 2004

This week

I've been trying to figure out what to post and what not to post, and as is usually the case, I end up posting nothing at all. Everything's flawed or boring or pedantic or hysterical. Then I think, "Well it's my blog, so I can put whatever I want on it." I go round and round and well I still haven't figured it out. So let's just say that the only thing I did this week besides go to work and watch Ken Burns' "The Civil War" (which is 12 hours long or something, and totally amazing. Netflix kids put that on your que.) was on Wed I went and saw Ari Fleisher speak in San Mateo. He was acutely aware that the conservatives in the room were drastically out-numbered and so was disarming and funny and threw the "even though we disagree we're all patriots here and God bless America . . .” rap at us. Nothing that remarkable about his speech. He mostly talked about what a great guy W is. What I, and most of the people there, wanted to hear about was what a lousy President W is. But every time that got brought up he made a joke or answered some other portion of the question. He drilled home that he felt his job was to speak for the President, and by doing so relieved himself (Ari) of any direct responsibility for the ridiculous things we've all heard him say. I came away somehow liking Ari Fleisher much more than when I entered the room. On a disheartening note I was the youngest person there by at least 20 years, enough so that I caught a number of people double taking on me in the giant San Mateo High school Center for the Performing Arts. It felt a lot like being in Florida.


At September 10, 2004 at 8:54 PM, Blogger HiveMind said...

Lousy. What a great word. WE should all use more "lousy". I'm gonna put it in my poem.

POst everything! My favorite part was
"I came away somehow liking Ari Fleisher much more than when I entered the room." Interesting. Keep blogging.

At September 11, 2004 at 12:19 AM, Blogger jts said...

Thanks Cat, I'll do so. As it turns out I'm not as fearless a blogger as you are.


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